Funding for IT-related
studies at university

The Tech Leaders Student programme funds and supports young women to study at an undergraduate level in the field of IT.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.
You can apply if you are enrolled in a STEM university study programme. This includes but is not limited to: Computer Science, Computer/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering, Information Systems, IT, Socio-informatics, Maths, Statistics, Science.
If you are in matric you can apply as soon as you have provisional acceptance to an undergraduate study programme.
Last year we awarded scholarships to the value of R930,000 to young women enrolled in STEM undergrad/postgrad studies.

Babalwa, Computer Science
“My interest and enthusiasm towards the technology field peaked when I attended a Code4CapeTown girls camp, where I learned more about the opportunities in the field and the ground-breaking women in the field.”
Babalwa holds a BSc in Computer Science with a co-major in Information Systems and is currently completing her honours in Computer Science at the University of the Western Cape.
She received a scholarship for her undergraduate and post-graduate studies through the Tech Leaders scholarship programme.
Babalwa actively passes on her love of Computer Science as chairperson of the Women in Computer Science chapter at UWC and as part of CodeSpace’s teaching team.